Ash Mehta
Editor-In-Chief of Anthro Magazine
Staff Writer on the Paly Voice and KPLY
Co-founder of Normalizers, a 501(c)(3) organization

Favorite Story
Addressing bias
This was absolutely my favorite story to write. It was an incredible experience to dive into this more investigative style of journalism, and to take on such a big project on my own. Through this story, I pushed myself to improve drastically in my source diversity. I have a wider range of sources (opinion-wise, age-wise, and racially) than I've had in any other story. I'm very proud of how this piece turned out.

My bylined stories
Bylined work...
Is only a tiny part of the story. I've written stories that had to be taken down due to controversy. I've followed leads that fell through. I've edited countless stories.
And even more than that: the non-story work. Helping friends with their articles. Handling controversy. Contributing ideas. Between all that, I've definitely learned more from my non-bylined work than I have from my "finished products."
It's not the bylines that I'm proud of. It's the process behind the work.

All of my Journalism digitally published work...

Website design